Miss Bohannan has created an Illini Central FFA website to keep the IC community updated on the events & activities our terrific FFA chapter is involved in throughout the year. Check it out at this link: https://www.illinicentralffa.com/ Our FFA is always doing something great! #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
8 months ago, Mr. Wherley
IC FFA Website
Each year, Illini Central celebrates employees' work anniversaries at 5-year increments. This year, those staff members celebrated with their classrooms and colleagues and treated them with ice cream sandwiches for all! We are thankful for your continued dedication to our school district, and we appreciate all you have contributed to IC! Samantha Burks – 5 years Sanish Carr – 5 years Kortnie Cooper – 5 years Morgan Hellman – 5 years Kris Kloba – 5 years Alissa List – 5 years Diane Oney – 5 years Jeri Van Tine – 5 years Erica Braden – 10 years Jennifer Durbin – 10 years Laura Jasko – 15 years Sarah Liesman – 15 years Lloyd List – 15 years Kevin Andrews – 20 years Lindsey Bruce – 20 years Sarah Erlandson – 25 years Laural Giesler – 25 years
8 months ago, Jennifer Durbin
Sarah Liesman
Kortnie Cooper and Samantha Burks
Sara Erlandson
Lindsey Bruce
Jeri Van Tine
Morgan Hellman and Laurel Giesler
Lloyd List and Kevin Andrews
Sanish Carr
Laura Jasko
Kris Kloba, Jennifer Durbin, Diane Oney, Allisa List, Erica Braden
This is a reminder that IC schools will dismiss at 2:00 pm on Tuesday, May 28th and Wednesday, May 29th. Tomorrow is the last day of student attendance. We wish everyone a safe and happy summer.
8 months ago, Mike Ward
Just a reminder that we will be streaming the Class of 2028's Commitment to Graduation ceremony tonight starting at 6:30 p.m. Here is the link to The Illini Central Cougars YouTube Channel's stream: https://youtube.com/live/AMxKOLZF890?feature=share #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
8 months ago, Mr. Wherley
Class of 2028's Commitment to Graduation Ceremony
Chromebook turn in begins tomorrow, Friday May 24th. The 8th grade students will be turning their device & charger in during class with Mrs. Giesler. The Juniors, Sophomores & Freshmen who will not be taking Final exams next week need to turn their device & charger into my room before they leave tomorrow. Any students in the high school who will be taking Finals should drop their device & charger off whether on Tuesday or Wednesday when are done for the year. The 5th graders will be turning their devices & chargers in on Wednesday morning, May 29th. Thank you in advance for helping to get everything returned to the school for Summer maintenance. - Mr. Wherley #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
8 months ago, Mr. Wherley
Chromebook Return
Today, the construction crew began demolition on the middle and high school office to prepare for a new secure entry! Currently the office staff are sharing a cozy classroom space for the summer.
8 months ago, Jennifer Durbin
Next week, ICMS students will have the opportunity to participate in a fundraiser for Prader-Willi Syndrome research, Pennies for PWS. Students are invited to pay $1 each day to participate in the dress up days listed in the graphic below. Each WIN class has set a fundraising goal and there will be an afternoon of competitions on Friday for classes that reach their goal. There are prizes each day for the best dressed student and the best dressed WIN class, as well as a prize for the class who raises the most money. We are able to accept donations in the form of cash, check (made out to IC) or directly to FPWR at our website https://impact.fpwr.org/Pennies All money raised will be donated to the Foundation for Prader Willi Research and donations will be matched by an anonymous donor! For more information about Prader-Willi Syndrome visit www.fpwr.org. If you have questions about Pennies for PWS, please contact Mrs. Yana-White at cyana@illinicentral.org. #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
8 months ago, Mr. Wherley
PWS Week
Students are so excited about the annual ICGS Field Day, sponsored by the ICGS PTO! We're still looking for some parent/guardian volunteers to help the PTO put on this outstanding event. We extended the deadline to gather interest sheets until this Friday afternoon. Please complete this form by Friday afternoon. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScLnhW7VE1QfUuUCgHIXFx2jtKd-ny1N7HRAbyNBalwMGaqtA/viewform We'll send home a Volunteer Form and Waiver of Liability with your child Monday, and we need it sent back to school by May 21st so we can get it approved and add you to the Field Day schedule. Field Day Volunteers would arrive at approximately 8am on May 29th to help set up and receive their activity assignments. Field Day volunteers should plan to stay until 10:45am. We'd love to see you there! #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
8 months ago, Mr. Wherley
ICGS Field Day 2024
Congratulations, boys!! We are proud of you!!! Parker Swaar: 13th Place - Discus Razz Thompson: 5th Place - 100 m 5th Place - High Jump 1st Place - Long Jump Razz returns tomorrow for the 200m, so stay tuned!
8 months ago, Jennifer Durbin
IESA Boys Track
A big day on the construction site… the concrete for the gym floor is being poured today! The final gym floor will be wood, but the concretehas to be done first.The mezzanine (for the air handler unit) was also poured this week. It’s looking more and more like a school!
9 months ago, Jennifer Durbin
Sign ups have started for Lady Cougar Volleyball Camp. The camp will be open to students currently in grades K-7. Forms were sent home with the ICGS students. ICMS students can pick up a form outside of the ICHS/ICMS office. They can also be found at this link from our website: https://5il.co/2jzcd #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
9 months ago, Mr. Wherley
2024 Volleyball Camp
Mark your calendars... 6th Grade Orientation is Wednesday, August 7th from 6:00-7:30 Freshmen Orientation is Thursday, August 8th from 6:00-7:30 #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
9 months ago, Mr. Wherley
Mark Your Calendar
Just a reminder that IC schools will dismiss at 11:30 am today, April 24, 2024.
9 months ago, Mike Ward
We have a few openings for next year! Please share with anyone who might be interested.
9 months ago, Jennifer Durbin
We have a few openings for next school year! Please share with anyone who may be interested.
9 months ago, Jennifer Durbin
Openings @IC
The ICGS PTO is hosting a 4 day fundraiser with Double Good popcorn, an Illinois company with the freshest popped popcorn that is delicious and unique. Please check out the link below to order yours today. ICGS PTO appreciates all your continued support! https://popup.doublegood.com/s/6a63kxp1 #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
9 months ago, Mr. Wherley
ICGS PTO Fundraiser
We are excited to present the new Illini Central CUSD #189 Strategic Plan that was created out of a committee of teachers, administrators, board members, and parents. Please watch this quick video that explains the goals of the plan: https://youtu.be/8HcgBcw5Jms
9 months ago, Jennifer Durbin
Illini Central Middle School families...make sure to put this on your calendar! Friday, May 17th...we will be having a middle school dance from 6 to 8 p.m. in the cafeteria. The price is $5 to get in and concessions will be available for purchase as well. #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
9 months ago, Mr. Wherley
MS Dance May 17th
Next Tuesday, April 23rd...Mu Alpha Theta will be hosting an after school tutoring session in Mr. Tobolaski's room (58) until 4 p.m. It's one of the last sessions before the end of the school year, so if students need extra help in classes, it's highly suggested to come. If you are not able to make it, you can contact Mr. Tobolaski or Senior Lucia Leamon and we can find a tutor to help you! #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
9 months ago, Mr. Wherley
Mu Alpha Theta Tutoring