IC schools will hold a remote learning day on Tuesday, February 16, 2021. For more information, please see the "News" section of the district website.
almost 4 years ago, Mike Ward
Tonight...the Illini Central Varsity Boys' Basketball team heads to Mt. Pulaski to take on the Hilltoppers in their season opener. Tip is scheduled for 6 p.m. Here is MP's NFHS Network broadcast link: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/mt-pulaski-high-school-mt-pulaski-il/gam8689bc0ac5 Click on this link for the instructions to set up your free account if you haven't already: https://5il.co/p8mx This account will allow you to watch ANY contest on the road where the school uses the NFHS. If you have issues getting your account set up email me at ictechhelp@illinicentral.org Wishing the Cougars well on this February Friday! #WeAreIC
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Wherley
Boys v. MP
Tonight, the ICMS Lady Cougar volleyball team makes the short trip to Greenview to take on the Lady Bulldogs. Here is the link to Greenview's broadcast for tonight: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/greenview-high-school-greenview-il/gam2991052d02 This broadcast will be through the NFHS. The account you created to view last night's matches will work when you click on this link. Greenview has a different setup than I used last night...so, hopefully they will have better luck. If you have not created an account...check my post on the website or Facebook from Tuesday on how to gain access to your free account. Wishing the Lady Cougars well tonight! #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Wherley
IC v. GV
Good morning Illini Central Cougar fans! My hope is that you were able to get an account setup from the post I made yesterday...if not, scroll back in our feed for the instructions to gain access to your free account. Normally with high school events...I divide the broadcasts by teams, but tonight my plan is to broadcast straight through from the beginning of the 6th grade match to the end of the 8th grade. In the future, I will probably separate them because it makes it easier to go back & watch later. Here is the link for tonight's matches: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/illini-central-high-school-mason-city-il/gam6aa6c1ce6f The plan is to go LIVE around 4:50 before the 1st serve of the 6th grade match. If you get to the site before then...make sure to refresh your screen if you aren't seeing things live. I am looking forward to bringing the matches to our fans this evening. - Mr. Wherley #WeAreIC
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Wherley
v. Riverton
Parents and Guardians: This notice is to inform you that our region is currently in phase 4 of the Restore Illinois Plan. Cheerleading and Dance may resume competitions and sideline cheer at sporting events. These are the following requirements for practices and games per the IHSA, IESA, and Illini Central: Practice Athletes must be meeting all eligibility requirements- academic compliance, current physical on file, a signed code and waiver, activities presentation viewing, parent consent, and COVID sports participation consent before they can practice. Full practices may be conducted. These are considered regular season practices. Try-outs may be conducted and would be considered/counted as a practice. Intra-squad scrimmages may be conducted with parental consent. Face masks must be worn for the duration of practice. Competition Sideline cheerleaders are not allowed to shout, chant or sing; they also cannot stunt. Cheerleaders are considered spectators and would have to be 30 feet from the court, Illini Central is currently not allowing spectators at any indoor sporting event. Face masks must be worn for the duration of the performance. Our plan is to let the girls practice some dances and floor routines. We will then record their performances and post them online at a date that is yet to be determined.
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Elliot Hernan
Tomorrow night...we will be broadcasting our 1st Illini Central sporting event of the season when the ICMS Lady Cougars volleyball team takes on the Riverton Lady Hawks. Just like we have for the past 8 years...we are offering the broadcast for FREE through the NFHS Network. I have included a link to the instructions of how to get your free account set up if you haven't watched one of our broadcasts before OR how to use the redeem code to "re-activate" an account you have created in the past. Here's that link: https://5il.co/p8mx This account will allow you to watch road games as well...if the opposing/host school uses the NFHS Network. *I will be sharing those links on here as well. If you have any questions or issues...email me at ictechhelp@illinicentral.org Mr. Wherley #WeAreIC
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Wherley
Account Set Up
ICMS Lady Cougar Volleyball @ the Lady Raiders of Midwest Central Tonight at 6 p.m. Here is the link to watch the matches: https://fb.me/e/zrcXTlAw Due to the restrictions for spectators...MWC will not be allowing opposing fans. Wishing the ICMS Lady Cougars well as their season begins this evening! #WeAreIC
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Wherley
ICMS Volleyball
Today...the IHSA released the high school sports schedule for the remainder of the school year. We will be releasing game schedules when they are completely ready. High school girls' basketball practice begins tomorrow in the high school gym from 3:30 to 5:30. Coach Bunner will have practice gear ready for the girls at the beginning of practice. High school boys' basketball practice begins tomorrow in Easton from 3:30 to 5:30. It is crucial that we stay in the IDPH's Phase 4 category for our student athletes to have a chance to participate in athletics this year. Please continue to wash your hands, wear a mask & social distance when you can. #WeAreIC
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Wherley
As some of you have already heard the IDPH has lifted their sports restrictions for regions in phase 4. Things are happening quickly and we anticipate making decisions about start dates for basketball as soon as we get some guidance on season dates from the IHSA. There will be planning happening over the weekend and more news on Monday. 6-8 grade boys who signed up for basketball are bringing information home today and will begin having open gyms/practices on Monday the 25th in Easton.
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Elliot Hernan
All students who signed up for volleyball should be bringing a packet home this evening with more information about practice times and places. 7/8 will also have necessary paperwork to participate, 6th will get their's once practices start. Game schedules will go out on Monday.
almost 4 years ago, Mr. Elliot Hernan
For an update on IC Athletic information, please see the website under the "News" section.
almost 4 years ago, Mike Ward
The IC Board of Education January 21, 2021 meeting will be available to the public via Zoom. The link to the meeting is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85117145119?pwd=RVRMbHlUSGduWXhvWnRaQ2RxdEN6dz09. The meeting will begin at 7:00 pm.
almost 4 years ago, Mike Ward
Reminder: IC students will return to in-person learning on Tuesday, January 19, 2021. Please check your email or visit the district webpage "News" section for more information.
almost 4 years ago, Mike Ward
Families who have district-issued AT&T hotspot devices will need to return them in order to received an upgraded device. Pick up dates are 1/13 and 1/14 from 7:15 am to 4pm. For more information, please see the district website's "News" section.
almost 4 years ago, Mike Ward
Illini Central schools will return to remote instruction beginning Tuesday, January 5, 2021. Please go to the district website under the "News" section for more details.
about 4 years ago, Mike Ward
Please see the Illini Central website under the "News" section for information regarding the extension of first semester.
about 4 years ago, Mike Ward
about 4 years ago, Mike Ward
Good morning, If you purchased Illini Central Cougar Spiritwear...it can be picked upon Saturday, December 19th from 9 to 11 a.m. Please use the main doors of the high school. #WeAreIC
about 4 years ago, Mr. Wherley
Cougar Wear Pick-Up
The Illini Central CUSD189 Board of Education will holds its December meeting on Thursday, December 17, 2020 at 7:00 pm in the Grade School Library. According to COVID-19 Tier mitigations, the meeting attendance is capped at 10 people in the library. This number includes board members and administrators. The meeting will be broadcast through zoom. The meeting can be accessed at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84522205694?pwd=czVMNGhTUU56bXRLbGVMVnR4NnhGZz09. A period of public comment is included in the agenda. Questions and comments can also be submitted prior to the meeting by contacting the superintendent at 217-482-5180 extension 1802 or at mward@illinicentral.org. Board meeting agendas are posted on the district website or at this link: https://meetings.boardbook.org/Public/Organization/701.
about 4 years ago, Mike Ward
ICMS/ICHS has proposed changes to 20-21 grading scale. Board of Education will act on recommendation 12/17/20. For more information, see the "News" section on the district website.
about 4 years ago, Mike Ward