Illini Central High School's The Class wants to paint social media Illini Central Black & Gold!
We want every Friday to be a #WeAreICFriday in the Illini Central Community. #WeAreICFriday is a day for everyone to wear their Black & Gold out in their community. Whether you are at work, at school, out and about, or just relaxing at home, we want to see you wearing your Black & Gold.
If you have any connection to Illini Central at any part of your life, we want to see you!
Then take a picture with your friends/family or just yourself and post it on Instagram and/or Facebook. When you do, please use the hashtag: #WeAreICFriday and tag The Class on Instagram (@illinicentralstheclass) or Facebook (The Class).
We look forward to painting social media Black & Gold every Friday!