Alliance Community Bank of Mason City and Illini Central High School are pleased to present Lilly Anderson with the February Student of the Month Award. For demonstrating outstanding character, Lilly receives an Amazon gift card from Alliance Community Bank and an Amazon gift card from the Illini Central High School faculty.
Lilly is the daughter of Nate and Erin Anderson.
Lilly has shown great resolve and excellence this year while taking Chemistry, American Government and Civics, Web Design, Probability and Statistics, Duel Credit Psychology, Duel Credit Communications, Basic Ag. Science, Independent Art Study, Duel Credit English Composition.
Lilly is the FFA President, National Honors Society Vice President, a member of the Spanish Club, Art Club, Kindness Club, November/December Respectful Student of the Month, FFA Greenhand Degree, FFA Chapter degree, FFA State Degree, Varsity Volleyball.
Outside of school, Lilly is involved in Peaceful Valley 4H, Velocity Club Volleyball, Mason County Jr. Fair Board, Swim Team, and the 2023 Fall Festival Queen.
After graduation, Lilly plans to attend Illinois Community College or Lincoln Land Community College and then transfer to a university.
Congratulations, Lilly! Thank you for all of your contributions to Illini Central over the years. We wish you nothing but the best in the future.
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