ICMS/ICHS has proposed changes to 20-21 grading scale. Board of Education will act on recommendation 12/17/20. For more information, see the "News" section on the district website.
Please check the Illini Central website for a Covid 19 Positive notification. Information can be found under the "News" section
Dear Parents and Guardians:
As we continue to navigate through these remote learning days, Illini Central is committed to continuing to monitor the health and safety of our staff. To assist us in this task, we encourage you to please keep us informed of any positive COVID-19 cases that involve your child. While we respect the privacy of your family, it will help us to track the spread of the virus within our school community. That information will inform our decisions to re-open school as planned on Tuesday, January 19, 2021. Please know that any information you share will be kept confidential and shared only with those staff who need to know.
We ask that you please share this information with our nursing staff. Please contact the school at 217-482-5180 or email Tonya Harris at tharris@illinicentral.org or Kendra Kelly at kkelly@illinicentral.org.
IC extends remote learning beginning 11/30/20 through 1/15/21. For more information, please check the district website under the "News" section.
Reminder: The IC Board of Education meeting will be Tuesday 11/17/20 at 7:00 pm in the Grade School Library. The Zoom link to the meeting is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81811883010?pwd=K1FlM2s1MVhpaFlZS1JYdy95UUZZZz09
We’re raising money for Illini Central Schools this holiday season and need your help! Just shop through our Shutterfly Storefront to create photo books, keepsakes, gifts, home décor and more—and Shutterfly will donate 8% to our school. Shop at: ic.Shutterfly.Storefront.com
Reminder: Please sign up for food service delivery on this form. https://forms.gle/b4HcEFYKzAq8HUC99. Delivery begins 11/16/20.
For Monday's delivery, please sign up by noon 11/13.
Now more than ever, we are more reliant on school technology as a necessary part of your education. Illini Central is trying to make it safer for our students while using the school’s devices and accounts both at school and at home. To do this, we have recently purchased a program called GoGuardian. This program will allow us to keep students safe by giving us the capability of filtering and monitoring school devices and accounts and eliminating online distractions. This program documents what websites, Google searches, and other content are attempted to be accessed on the school accounts and devices.
GoGuardian flags keywords that are involved in searches and websites and notify administration when these websites or searches are accessed with our school devices at school and at home. In this time of remote learning, these devices are a necessary tool. We have the capability to filter out inappropriate content to prevent students from accessing material unrelated to learning.
After grievous misuse, a student’s access can be heavily restricted to only the websites deemed necessary for learning. Students’ use on school devices or accounts are applicable to the Internet Acceptable Use Policy (handbook page 45-46). Any violation of this policy is subject to discipline which will result in, but not limited to, the loss of privileges, disciplinary action, and/or appropriate legal action. Parents will be notified any time a student’s actions result in consequences.
Just a reminder-to sign up for breakfast and lunch program during the closure, please be sure to complete the sign up form at https://forms.gle/vvQeJQgMKNbKVzhGA or call and leave message at 217-482-5180. If calling be sure to leave your name, phone number, address, and number of meals needed.
Illini Central GS/MS/HS will follow remote learning plan 11/11/20-11/25/20. IC Pre-K program will remain in person.
For more information, see the "News" section of the district website
Current 6th and 7th graders from llini Central and Greenview are invited to an informational meeting regarding our upcoming Washington, DC and New York City trip over spring break in 2022. Our trip information meeting will be done virtually so please follow the instructions below to log in to the meeting.
Meeting Date: November 16, 2020
Meeting Time: 6:30 PM
Log In to the Meeting through the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87805340892?pwd=RlR5cHNvMTFsK0lTd2o1M2NhOGxldz09
The web page for the trip has more details, including information on our No Risk Guarantee for 2022 trips and important safety information from the Back to Travel Task Force. Here’s the link to our trip web page: https://worldstrides.com/custom/illini-central-middle-school-dc-ny-2022/
If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Durbin at jdurbin@illinicentral.org
Please check the Illini Central website for a Covid 19 Positive notification. Information can be found under the "News" section
Please check the Illini Central website for a Covid 19 Positive notification. . ICHS/ICMS will be in full remote learning 11/2/20-11/13/20. Please check the "News" section of the website for more details.
ICMS and ICHS will be following the 11:30 class schedule tomorrow due to the early dismissal.
Remote learners will need to check in with their GOLD day classes tomorrow at the following times:
8:00 - 2nd Hour
8:52 - 4th Hour
9:44 - 6th Hour
10:36 - 8th Hour
This is a reminder that Illini Central schools will dismiss at 11:30 am on Friday, October 30,2020. Staff will be involved in school improvement activities during the afternoon. There will be no lunch service on Friday.
Parents, did you know you can get notifications from Skyward about your child's performance? Here's explanation on how to set it up for your email account.
Please check the Illini Central website for a Covid 19 Positive notification. Information can be found under the "News" section
ICMS and ICHS students are dressing up next week to celebrate Red Ribbon Week.
Please check the Illini Central website for a Covid 19 Positive notification. Information can be found under the "News" section
Just a reminder that the October meeting of the Illini Central Board of Education will be Thursday, October 15, 2020 at 7:00 pm in the Grade School Library. The public can attend the meeting, though capacity is limited to no more than 50. The meeting can be viewed through Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81421216323?pwd=RFA4UVpVMmJvMmNRblZFN3hCYisrQT09 or through the Illini Central Sports network athttps://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/illini-central-high-school-mason-city-il/evt1f762535f3
The agenda for the meeting can be found at the district website main page under the "Explore" tab, "Board of Education +", "School Board Meeting Agendas"