Now more than ever, we are more reliant on school technology as a necessary part of your education. Illini Central is trying to make it safer for our students while using the school’s devices and accounts both at school and at home. To do this, we have recently purchased a program called GoGuardian. This program will allow us to keep students safe by giving us the capability of filtering and monitoring school devices and accounts and eliminating online distractions. This program documents what websites, Google searches, and other content are attempted to be accessed on the school accounts and devices.
GoGuardian flags keywords that are involved in searches and websites and notify administration when these websites or searches are accessed with our school devices at school and at home. In this time of remote learning, these devices are a necessary tool. We have the capability to filter out inappropriate content to prevent students from accessing material unrelated to learning.
After grievous misuse, a student’s access can be heavily restricted to only the websites deemed necessary for learning. Students’ use on school devices or accounts are applicable to the Internet Acceptable Use Policy (handbook page 45-46). Any violation of this policy is subject to discipline which will result in, but not limited to, the loss of privileges, disciplinary action, and/or appropriate legal action. Parents will be notified any time a student’s actions result in consequences.