Illini Central Middle School & High School:

 PE Games - Mr. Genseal


  1. Make your bed
  2. Say hello to your family
  3. Compliment someone in your household!

Choose one of the following activities (or think outside the box and make up your own 20-30 minute routine).  All of these activities will help keep your heart healthy, help keep your muscles and bones strong, and help your mental health, too!  

  1. “PE with Joe” on YouTube  (really good)
  2. Yoga on YouTube
  3. Any kind of dance instruction on YouTube
  4. Sports routine (Example:  Ball handling & shooting drills, volleyball drills, etc.)
  5. Walk or jog 20 minutes if you have exercise equipment available
  6. Fitness routine:  3 sets each (10 pushups, 10 sit ups, 10 squats, 10 lunges)
  7. If nice outside:  Pick up sticks, do chores, ride your bike, walk, jog, or play games with your family
  8. Learn online about the importance of good nutrition and general wellness.  You’ll be so glad that you did!  WIN the DAY!