Good afternoon:
As you know, the governor has ordered all schools in Illinois closed through Monday, March 30, 2020. We understand the disruption that this has caused to all aspects of our lives. Illini Central school staff are working to provide essential support and to maintain a continuity of learning for our students.
In order to ensure that students have access to healthy meals, a school breakfast and lunch will be provided for all children 18 years and below or enrolled in school. The meals will meet National School Lunch requirements.
Food deliveries will begin March 23, 2020 and continue on Mondays and Thursdays throughout the school closure. In order to allow us to plan accurately, we are asking that you complete this simple form. If you do not have access to the internet, please call the school at (217) 482-5180 extension 1815 and follow the prompts in the message. Please only one response per household. We ask that you reply by Wednesday, March 18th to help facilitate the ordering of food and determining staff needs.
We will use school vehicles to deliver meals to the address specified on your request. It is important to put your specific address in the form. We ask that you please have a labeled cooler or box available for meal deliveries. Please place this in a visible location near the front of your home.
For students who receive special education services, we will continue all IEP meetings as scheduled. In order to do this, we will use teleconferencing and/or online meeting platforms. If you have received a notice for an upcoming meeting, you will be contacted by your student’s case manager with details on accessing the meeting.
During this closure, it is important to provide opportunities for students to continue to learn. At this time, the state-mandated school closure does not require remote learning; however, we are encouraged to provide lessons for students to remain engaged in learning. This work will not count for a grade. In the event that this closure is extended, this situation will likely change and that students will be required to complete school work from home. Please take a moment to complete this survey to assess your child’s access to e-learning.
As a result, beginning Wednesday, March 25th, teachers will have learning activities available for students. This will be communicated through a variety means including Class Dojo, Google Classroom, the school website, and email. We encourage you to work with your children on these activities. On Tuesday, March 24th, we will provide more information about how to access this material.
It is important to keep in mind that your children may have many questions about our current situation. The CDC offers a valuable resource to help adults talk with children about the virus.
The district has established specific contact points to address questions and concerns related to the school closure. Please call 217-482-5180 extension 1815. You can also email the school at The school will have at least one administrator present on-site during each day of the closure.
During the upcoming days, please follow the recommendations of the CDC and the Illinois Department of Public Health in order to limit the spread of COVID-19 to our community.