On Thursday December 1st, the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica held the induction of its new members from the class of 2024. Now joining the current SHH members (Katelyn Doyle, Zachary Entwistle, Mireya Francis, Mahlea Lusher, and Ava Ratliff) are the newest members Kamber Arthalony, Caroline Dennison-Ellis, Ellis Dowell, Katelyn Green, Kylie Green, Madison Hughes, Bailie Krause, Lucia Leamon, Audrey Luebbert, Sophia Schneider, Elijah Stender, Bayleigh Thomas, and Cooper Thomas. SHH focuses on expanding its members’ knowledge on the culture and history of Spanish speaking countries. Congratulations to the newest members of Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica!
(Not pictured: Kamber Arthalony, Sophia Schneider)