Dear Class of 2025:
Congratulations! We are excited to celebrate your transition into high school, and we want to start by inviting you to the Freshman Orientation to be held on August 11, 2021 at 5:30pm in the high school gymnasium. During orientation, you will get a chance to learn a little bit about high school and even practice your new locker and schedule. Parents are encouraged to attend orientation as well.
Also on August 11th at 7:00pm, we will be holding the Class of 2025 Commitment to Graduation ceremony in the high school gym. Family members and friends are welcome to attend this event to watch you pledge to do your best and hold your classmates accountable to graduate together as the Class of 2025. Doors for this event will open at 6:45pm for guests.
Class of 2025 members are asked to meet in the cafeteria at 6:30pm to receive their t-shirt for the ceremony and receive instructions. The t-shirts are free of charge, and we ask that students wear long khaki pants or jeans for this event.
As per the Governor’s orders, masks are required for all people attending either event regardless of vaccination status.
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Jennifer Durbin at (217) 482-5180 or at