1st State Bank of Mason City and Illini Central High School are pleased to present Morgan Doyle with the September Student of the Month Award. For demonstrating outstanding character, Morgan receives a Barnes & Noble gift card from 1st State Bank and an Amazon gift card from the Illini Central High School faculty.
Morgan is the daughter of Jennifer Rogers and Chris Doyle.
Her classes this year include Advanced Chemistry, Resource Management, Dual Credit English, Physics, Dual Credit Psychology, AP Calculus, and Advanced Spanish IV.
Morgan keeps busy with a number of extra-curricular activities, as well. She is vice president of National Honor Society, and a member of Mu Alpha Theta, Interact Club, Science Club, Spanish Club, and Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica.
She is involved in the community. Morgan volunteers at Pets Without Parents animal shelter, and she is a part of EPIC youth group.
Morgan plans to attend Illinois College in Jacksonville, where she will major in English, with a concentration in Editing and Publishing.
Congratulations, Morgan! Thank you for all of your contributions to Illini Central during your high school career.