During the spring semester (January through June) of the 2019-2020 school year, schools within the city of Chicago and throughout the state will have the opportunity to conduct the Illinois Youth Survey (IYS) with students in 8th, 10th, or 12th grade. Your child’s school may choose to participate.
WHAT IS THE ILLINOIS YOUTH SURVEY? The purpose of the IYS is to better understand youth attitudes and behaviors that can impact student problems and academic success. It will ask about topics including nutrition, physical activity, bullying, tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use. Students will be asked to complete a survey (with no names or identification numbers) that will be confidentially administered during one class period. The survey is completely voluntary and privacy will be strictly protected.
DO I HAVE TO DO ANYTHING TO ALLOW MY CHILD TO PARTICIPATE? Approximately 1 month before the school-selected survey date, you will be sent a notification form officially informing you that the survey is being conducted at your school. This form will allow you to exclude your child from participation and only needs to be returned if you do not want your child to participate. Even if you allow your child to participate, every student will also be given the choice to participate or not.
WHAT IS THE SURVEY DATA USED FOR? The Illinois Youth Survey will provide your school with a local report of the combined student results which will help to determine which programs may be needed to keep students safe and healthy.
To opt-out your child, please complete this form and return it to the office before February 12, 2020. For more information, please visit the Illinois Youth Survey website at http://iys.cprd.illinois.edu