Since the 1st day of school, all students in my 1st grade class have recited our class motto each morning. I feel strongly that students need to be confident and know they are important and can do great things. I love to hear them say it loud and proud each day! Enjoy the link!
about 5 years ago, Ms. Bruce
The Illini Central Athletic Booster Club will be hosting a Trivia Night on Saturday, February 1st. This event will be held at the American Legion in Mason City. See the attached flyer for details and start planning your team today!
about 5 years ago, IC Athletic Booster Club
Read the details here and sign up soon!
The cougar Buzz for November 22,2019 can be found at this link!
about 5 years ago, Mrs. Hellman
Here is what is happening at ICGS for November 15, 2019 . Find all the news from the Cougar Buzz at this link:
about 5 years ago, Mrs. Hellman
Here is the link for the Cougar Buzz for November 8, 2019: Have a great weekend!
about 5 years ago, Mrs. Hellman
The link for the Cougar Buzz for November 1, 2019:
about 5 years ago, Mrs. Hellman
Reminder: IC schools will dismiss school on Thursday, October 31st at 11:15 in order for staff to participate in school improvement activities.
about 5 years ago, Mike Ward
Picture retakes are on Tuesday, October 29 for Pre-K, Grade School and High School students. The Middle School retakes will be scheduled at a later date.
about 5 years ago, Suzette Atwood
Due to the inclement weather forecast for today, the PTO Trunk or Treat will be moved to the American Legion in Mason City located at 110 West Court Street. Free hot dogs, chips, and candy will be provided. We thank you for your understanding in this matter.
about 5 years ago, Mrs. Hellman
Here is the link to the Cougar Buzz for October 24: Have a Great 3 Day Weekend!
about 5 years ago, Mrs. Hellman
We will dismiss school at 2:00 pm for Parent-Teacher Conferences on Wed. Oct. 23 and Thurs., Oct. 24th. There will be no school on Friday, October 25th. The district will be spraying pesticide within parts of the building on 10/25.
about 5 years ago, Mike Ward
Red Ribbon Week Dress Up Days for Grade School. October 28-November 1. Here is the link for more information:
about 5 years ago, Mrs. Hellman
Here is a link for more information about PTO Trunk or Treat:
about 5 years ago, Mrs. Hellman
Here is the link for the Cougar Buzz for October 18. Enjoy your weekend!
about 5 years ago, Mrs. Hellman
Here is the Cougar Buzz for October 11. It can be found at this link: Have a great three day weekend!
about 5 years ago, Mrs. Hellman
Cougar Buzz for October 4 can be found at this link:
over 5 years ago, Mrs. Hellman
Cougar Buzz for Friday, September 27, 2019. The following link can be used to get to the Cougar Buzz for this week:
over 5 years ago, Mrs. Hellman
Cougar Buzz for Friday, September 20. Please access by using the following link:
over 5 years ago, Mrs. Hellman
The Illini Central volleyball team placed 4th overall today at the Clinton Classic! #WeAreIC
over 5 years ago, ICHS Volleyball
HS volleyball places 4th at Clinton Classic
Cougar Buzz Newsletter for September 13, 2019. Please access the Cougar Buzz by using the following link:
over 5 years ago, Mrs. Hellman