Welcome Back ICGS Families. The link for the weekly newsletter, The Cougar Buzz, can be found here. https://5il.co/xlkp Have a great weekend!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Hellman
The IC Covid Testing consent forms can be accessed at https://5il.co/x5l1. Testing is voluntary. If you wish to participate, please return a signed form to one of the school offices.
over 3 years ago, Mike Ward
The IC189 Board of Education will meet on Thursday August 19 at 7:00 pm in the All Purpose Room. The zoom link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89092896860?pwd=YzloV3Z4V0J0UWNqb0pSckZlUnVmdz09
over 3 years ago, Mike Ward
A reminder that Illini Central will be hosting a Meet the Teacher night on Monday, August 16. Students can drop off their school supplies at this time as well as meet their teacher. There will be 3 time slots based on last names. Last names: A-G 6:00-6:20 Last names: H-P 6:30-6:50 Last names: Q-Z 7:00-7:20 Parents of students with multiple last names will be allowed to choose when they come. We are so excited and can't wait to see everyone!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Hellman
The Illini Central Full-Day Attendance Plan is available for public review. The plan can be found at https://5il.co/wt0z or in the "News" section of the website.
over 3 years ago, Mike Ward
The IC Board of Education will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, August 10, 2021 at 6 pm in the grade school library. The fall reopening plan will be acted on. The zoom link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87938507337?pwd=ZnF1Q1RVYzBMWkRXR3VERWk1RnV5QT09
over 3 years ago, Mike Ward
Families can find out who their child's teacher for the upcoming school year is by going to Skyward. For some reason, Skyward still has the homeroom teacher listed from last year. However if you look at advisor it will show the teacher for the upcoming year. Also by going to the tabs on the left hand side in Skyward and choosing gradebook or schedule it will also list the teacher for the upcoming school year. Thank you for your patience and we look forward to the start of the year!
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Hellman
This is a reminder that ALL upcoming kindergarten students must have residency forms on file before beginning the school year. Families can come to the district office from 7:30-3:30 daily or to the main building on August 4 from 2:00-7:00 to complete paperwork. For questions please contact Katie Allen 217-482-5180 Ext. 1802
over 3 years ago, Mrs. Hellman
Good morning: The State of Illinois requires that students entering Kindergarten, Sixth Grade and Twelfth Grade show proof of specific immunizations. The Mason County Health Department will be on campus on Wednesday, August 4, 20201 to provide these vaccinations for Illini Central students. The Clinic will run from 2-3 pm and will be held in the Health Services Building (Modular 1) on the IC campus. No appointment is necessary.
over 3 years ago, Mike Ward
Tuesday, August 3rd at 6 p.m. Illini Central will be holding the Fall Sports Meeting for parents & athletes. At this meeting, parents & athletes will be able to complete all of the forms to participate in sports during this school year. The meeting will also provide a time for the IC coaches to meet with their athletes' parents. This meeting is for all Fall sports, including ICMS Girls' Basketball. There will be two other meetings held later this year for Winter and Spring sports. All athletes must have an up to date physical on file at the school before they can practice. If you have any questions, please reach out to IC Athletic Director Ryan Burks at his email address: rburks@illinicentral.org #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
over 3 years ago, Mr. Wherley
Fall Sports Meeting
We are looking for parent input on the recent mask guidance released by the IDPH. Please see the "News" section for more information on the guidance. The survey can be accessed here: https://forms.gle/aNvNTx7WbC7cZ3a3A
over 3 years ago, Mike Ward
Good evening. Two of our summer school bus routes will continue to be combined for the remainder of this week. As a result, the pick up and drop off times may be delayed for students who live in Mason City and San Jose.
over 3 years ago, Mike Ward
Good morning. Two of our three summer school routes need to be combined this morning. As a result, the Mason City and San Jose students who ride the bus may be delayed today. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you, Mike
over 3 years ago, Mike Ward
Good afternoon...our ICGS & ICMS School Supply lists for the upcoming school year can be found on our website under Quick Links on the grade school & middle school pages or on the app under Documents of each building. Here are direct links as well: Middle School: https://5il.co/unw7 Grade School: https://5il.co/vbab High school students will find out at the start of school if they need something besides pencils & notebooks. These two items can be purchased for the beginning of the school year. #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
over 3 years ago, Mr. Wherley
Supply Lists
The IC Board of Education will hold its monthly meeting on Tuesday, July 13th at 7:00 pm in the Grade School Library. The zoom link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83081180157?pwd=Q0FReThmK05sUnB3TlhCMGlvREpRdz09
over 3 years ago, Mike Ward
Cougar Camp is Back! Visit the News section of our Activities page for more information. Here's the link: https://www.illinicentral.org/o/activities/article/484805 Looking forward to seeing all of the Future Illini Central Cougars! #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
over 3 years ago, Mr. Wherley
Cougar Camp 2021
The Board of Education will holds a budget amendment hearing and the regular meeting on 6/17/21 at 7pm. in the grade school library. The zoom link is as follows: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86461970171?pwd=YURuL29mQXViRlFydEsxT0ljU3h3QT09
over 3 years ago, Mike Ward
Tomorrow...the Illini Central Class of 2021 will graduate from high school. We have broadcasted graduation for the past eight years, but on a different platform. Here is the link to access the graduation ceremony live starting at 2:00 p.m. https://youtu.be/xaZDadpoKp8 #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
over 3 years ago, Mr. Wherley
Good afternoon, just a quick reminder that we will be collecting all Chromebooks, chargers & hotspots (from the students who have one) tomorrow at the end of the school day for the in person students. Remote students can bring their devices by the school on Friday, May 28th between 8:00 a.m. & 3 p.m. For more information...follow this link to our website: https://www.illinicentral.org/article/468268 Thank you in advance, Mr. Wherley #WeAreIC #BeJimmy
over 3 years ago, Mr. Wherley
Chromebook  Return
Please see the "News" section of the website for information regarding the collection of Chromebooks. Please be sure your child brings the charging cord to school on Thursday, May 27.
over 3 years ago, Mike Ward