Good afternoon:
As of 1:00 pm today, our COVID-19 numbers are as follows:
GS Positive Cases -30
MS Positive Cases-2
HS Postive Cases-5
Staff Positive Cases-13
Out of School Close Contacts-Excluded-51
In School Close Contacts-Excluded-35
Total Excluded Students and Staff-136
Close Contacts-Eligible for Test to Stay-Not Excluded-12
Close Contacts Vaccinated-Not Excluded 10
Within 90 Day Window from Postiive Covid-Not Excluded 4
Total Close Contacts Not Excluded-26.
Please note that these numbers change daily. We have had positive cases identified today in the grade school and middle school.
We will continue to monitor the number of positive cases as well as the students who are not able to attend school. Illini Central schools will remain in-person based on this data. Please note that any decision for temporary closure of school (adaptive pause) will be made by the school administrative team and Board of Education in consulttioin with the local health department.
Thank you,
Mike Ward