Good Afternoon ICGS Families,

I hope everyone is safe and healthy. After meeting with teachers for our virtual meetings on Friday and Monday, we have put into place some criteria for the specials classes to help with the expectations. We do not want families to be overwhelmed, just engaged. 

1. Specials Teachers, Art/Music,Tech Lab/Library, PE,  will post activities for the week on Monday in School Story on Dojo.

2. Students are to choose two activities for the  week in the area of art or music or library  or tech lab. The activity should take 5-10 minutes. Activities that families are doing at home related to these subjects will count as participation. It does not have to be something from the weekly list. 

3. Students are to choose three PE activities to be involved in for the week. Again the activities should take 5- 10 minutes. Anything that involves students moving is considered PE.

4. The total range of time for the whole week for Specials Classes and PE combined should be 25-50 minutes. 

5.  A link to a Google form will be sent out on Fridays through School story on Dojo to help keep track of participation in the areas of music,art, library, tech lab, and PE.

Please email if you have any questions. 

Have a great day! 

Mrs. Hellman