Illini Central schools will begin providing free breakfast and lunch beginning Monday, March 23, 2020.
In order to ensure that students have access to healthy meals, a school breakfast and lunch will be provided for all children 18 years and below or enrolled in school. The meals will meet National School Lunch requirements.
Please note that the cost of the meals to the district will be reimbursed by the USDA. There is no cost to families.
Food deliveries will begin next Monday, March 23 and will continue on Mondays and Thursdays throughout the school closure. In order to allow us to plan accurately, we are asking that you complete this simple form. If you do not have access to the internet, please call the school at (217) 482-5180 extension 1815 and follow the prompts in the message. Please only one response per household. We ask that you reply by Wednesday, March 18th to help facilitate the ordering of food and determining staff needs.
We will use school vehicles to deliver meals to the address specified on your request. It is important to put your specific address in the form. We ask that you please have a labeled cooler or box available for meal deliveries. Please place this in a visible location near the front of your home.