Congratulations to ICMS 7th grader Madison Hughes for finishing 5th in the hurdles at the IESA State Meet this morning! Your Illini Central family is proud of you! #WeAreIC
almost 6 years ago, Mr. Wherley
Hughes Wins 5th Place
Medal Ceremony
Congratulations to Jayden Flores and Dylan Aragon for finishing 5th place out of 28 teams in the Bass Fishing Sectional.
almost 6 years ago, IC Sports Network
Congratulations to the following middle school track athletes that qualified for State: Madison Hughes in hurdles, Kylie Green in hurdles, Sophia Schneider in shot put, Belle Kelly in high jump, Trenton Dietrich in shot put, Avery Higdon in discus, Zachary Entwistle in shot put, and the 4x100 team of Trenton Dietrich, Brendin Folkes, David Grim and Avery Higdon.
almost 6 years ago, IC Sports Network
Just a reminder that the Greenview 8-Man Football meeting will be taking place tonight in the ICHS gymnasium starting at 6:30. #WeAreIC
almost 6 years ago, IC Sports Network